Photography and Design

Jono and Ben


Jono and Ben, as the name suggests is a show presented by Jono Pryor and Ben Boyce, with Guy Williams and Rose Matafeo, Jono And Ben focuses on what's big in NZ at the moment. As well as a few laughs and pranks along the way.

Each season requires a refresh to welcome the show back to the airways. 
2018 concept was based on a skit by Laura Daniels impersonating Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern who is holding a press conference promising Jono and Ben will not be allowed back on TV. This promo is then reflected into my off air artwork of Jono and Ben running from parliment with respected reporters (NZ comedians) in tow.

This then involved me Art Directing the stills shoot with the talent and producing all creative for billboards, social, web and print.